Life often feels like a series of questions and challenges. For every question, there is an answer; for every problem, a solution. While the world may seem full of mysteries, every puzzle has its key. The key to overcoming life’s difficulties often lies in discovering and acting on just one thing.
In Matthew 19, a man asked Jesus, “What good deed must I do to have eternal life?” He had already done many good things, things Jesus Himself affirmed. Yet, deep down, he knew something was missing—a vital piece of the puzzle, a weight he couldn’t shake, a gap in his heart that only one action could fill.
This story reminds us of the importance of seeking answers and addressing the obstacles that cling to us. In these last days, as knowledge increases (Daniel 12:4), the enemy works tirelessly to hinder us from walking fully in God’s plan. It’s crucial to remember that knowledge alone isn’t enough. Without understanding, knowledge has no impact.

Obedience is key
Hearing God’s Word is essential, but living it out is what transforms us. Living in obedience to God’s will is the only way to truly reflect Christ, which is the ultimate goal for every believer. However, to grow spiritually, we must be intentional about our walk with the Lord. Galatians 5:19–21 highlights the works of the flesh that weigh us down. Identifying these weights and seeking the Holy Spirit’s help to overcome them is a step-by-step journey we must commit to.
Rely on the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, our Comforter, is always available to guide and strengthen us. By yielding to Him and following His leading daily, we can experience victory. He is our ever-present help, always ready to grant us the grace we need to overcome life’s challenges.
Stay encouraged, stay connected, and embrace the guidance of the Spirit. Shalom!